As a writer who grew up in Wales and who retains a close interest in literary matters in that nation, and as a Patron of Literature Wales, I read the Medwin Hughes report with great interest and, I’m afraid to say, growing misgivings. I could not see the logic behind the recommendation to downgrade the support given to Literature Wales, and to reduce its involvement in literary activities so greatly, given the clear evidence of plentiful and valuable activity on the part of that organisation, and the satisfaction expressed by many people who have been involved. There seems to me a clear need for the various bodies including Literature Wales to be supported strongly and with conviction by the Welsh Government, and their differing purposes clearly understood. To reduce the activities currently undertaken by Literature Wales (and which are praised very highly by many respondents quoted in the report) effectively to running Ty Newydd, and to hand over more or less everything else to the Welsh Books Council, seems little short of perverse.


I hope you will consider very seriously the strong dissatisfaction with this report that has been expressed by many people in Wales who have benefited from, and who approve of, the excellent work of Literature Wales, and that the organisation will continue to flourish and encourage the art form that above all others is at the heart of Welsh culture.